Storytime... (KISS)

...the twisted little way I have of writing...

Friday, November 10, 2006

still in the Making


fests: 5
Asian - 804) 245-4974 also Mr. Simon Sunny Rinthalukay
celtic - Jay Lugar Office: (804) 569-3226
greek - Call 804-358-5996
oktoberfest - Hans Stienen
folk-fest - Katie Boyer (804) 492-9448.

what they do
why they celebrate

food - The spread of food you can't pronounce but can't get enough of
fest - Greek (and proceed benefits)
person - intimate atmosphere -we're all family and friend here - of course that could be the beer
fest - Oktoberfest
music - a myriad of cultures, ethnic traditional everywhere. The sence of being wholly immersed in another culture
fest - Folk
sports - Initally I went to see guys in kilts heave stuff... then I started enjoyinh it. Known for it's Highland games, the Celtic fest is a growing festival celebrating ... everything celtic!
fest - Celtic
people - tell me what it's like walking around at the Asian American Festival
fest - Asian-Am


food - The spread of food you can't pronounce but can't get enough of

fest people - Oktoberfest
fest fund r - Greek (and proceed benefits)
fest sports - Celtic
fest music - Folk
fest atmos - Asian-Am

people - It is overwhelming watching the whole room get up and flock to dance the chicken-dance for the fifth time...
The food not to miss here:
what the patrons do
why they celebrate
who benefits

fund raising -
The food not to miss here:
what the patrons do
why they celebrate
who benefits

sports - Initally I went to see guys in kilts heave stuff... then I started enjoyinh it. Known for it's Highland games, the Celtic
fest is a growing festival celebrating ... everything celtic!
The food not to miss here:
what the patrons do
why they celebrate
who benefits

music - a myriad of cultures, ethnic traditional everywhere. The sence of being wholly immersed in another culture
The food not to miss here:
what the patrons do
why they celebrate
who benefits

atmosphere -
The food not to miss here:
what the patrons do
why they celebrate
who benefits


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