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Friday, December 08, 2006

Bogus! An engineered Brain!

Based on the most recent data, there seems to be no difference whatsoever between the way the brain works and the chemical pathways created in artificial environments. This astounding revelation has profound implications on the computing world. Harnessed, it means the scientific community is one step closer to artificial intelligence and the ability to teach computers.
"I really can't believe we managed to create a freely operating and self-sustaining chemical-electrical environment that sent impulses of its own accord" said Katie Resbert, chemical and scientific engineer of the astounding process. So what's the English version? "What this means for science is that we've been able to create, truly create, a primitive form of life." Sais Jaden Sing, project director.
Companies around the world have been pouring millions of research dollars each year into perfecting computer chips; no one ever thought the future of information would come to a symbiotic brain so quickly. But researchers still warn "it's not like the sci-fi movies, this is a functioning electro-chemical unit but it does not respond or give feed-back." And what that means is while this is what some can call a functioning brain of sorts, it isn't nearly as complex as the simplest of natural animal brains.
A representative for the team which engineered this feat stated they wished to remain anonymous and not publicize this accomplishment. "We've managed to create something which will be useful someday but we aren't ready to receive the kind of global interest this is bound to generate." Sing added: "We got a lot of help on this one and all parties involved want it to remain a project being perfected by the capable, big to-do's boasting expensive degrees and big brains usually are too full of themselves to listen to what their colleagues suggest... we're a team."
So how does it really work? Essentially an infra-structure of cells have been assembled in a way that resembles grey-matter. Using biological materials, this team of 18 scientists were able to manipulate the genetic coding of cells to grow and cause the operation of a small piece of tissue in electrical interaction with another. "The implications are this: creation of living tissue has been around since culturing, but now we can attach different pieces together and watch them function work and die." said Susan Lampette, scientist and team member.
Susan claims that she joined the project with the intention to see it to completion "but we've opened a door for the medical community!" Susan explained that while many medical approaches focus on the bio-chemical basis for certain diseases, she recognized that it used to be clearly impossible to create in a "controlled environment" a simulation of the genetic factors that are behind many diseases - until now.
Now, it seems, it is finally possible to recreate a representative organism with a certain genetic code, for example one that has autism, then using these techniques along with the rest of what scientists know, it is possible to alter one segment of the code through laser assisted splicing and then to study what that causes.
Certain diseases inhibit brain function because they include the genetic command to do so. With this technology we can re-create the individual parts of the brain affected by such diseases as Autism, or Alzheimer’s, or Turretts and work backwards to find out where exactly these malfunctions originate in the genetic code and work to remove or replace it.
This allows scientists to take a child in the womb that will develop severe developmental problems, eliminate the one gene segment before the cells split and to effectively give that child a normal life without the worry of passing his or her disease along to the next generation.
Some call it the next step towards engineering "perfect children" and a "master race" those people are entitled to their opinion, but Jaden Sing and her team call it another ray of hope and a step closer to curing debilitating neurological and physical diseases that cause our population so much heartache. These maladies cost our nations so much in the form of people, money and the chance at saving lives is why we've been working so hard on this project.
The world has known about the scientific community being on the verge of doing such a thing, the surprising thing is that this technology wasn't engineered by a multi-billion dollar company with super-brain technicians, it was a small-town community college that did it using equipment borrowed from a local chem. lab and equipment from a local computer hardware engineering company.

~Shannon Hollender


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