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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Annotated Bib

Shannon Hollender
Prof. Malesh
Annotated Bib of
Hellacious Ppr.
Due: 4/19/06
Works Cited
"Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters (CLM)." Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Neighbouring Rights in the Digital Environment. 18 Sept. 04. IFLA. 27 Feb. 06 . In this article, The IFLA addresses how libraries use and provide print and information. It has a mission statement which basically exemplifies their interest in ensuring the free distribution and easy access of the masses and of organizations like libraries to all published information. They offer an interesting perspective which allows me to delve deeper into why some believe that exemptions and limitations to copyright laws - exemptions and limitations which allow some to freely use and distribute copyrighted material - are being threatened and need to be protected/safeguarded.
"Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)." SU Lair. Stanford University. 23 Feb. 06 . Though this page is lacking in a lot of the important info it is a useful site in that is outlines a lot of the laws and sub laws effecting the issue of digital copyright. With this site I have found it easier to understand the issues and concerns being voiced and I have found it easier to weed out the opinions from the facts.
Bernard, Andre, ed. Rotten Rejections. Ossining, New York: Pushcart P, 1990. In this book Bernard offers a compilation of several examples of works which were submitted to be published and were rejected. The rejection letters themselves are included in the text and show what publishers say about particular works and why they cannot publish them. This is a useful text in that it allows for a broad sweeping overview of what cannot or would not get published and why. It exemplifies why certain works get that final rejection and allows me to better understand what I should avoid in submitting, how I should pitch it, and what is likely to be met with failure and thereby what is likely to be granted publication.
Curtis, Richard, and William T. Quick. How to get your E-Book Published. Ed. Donya Dickerson. Cincinnati, OH.: F&W Publications, Inc., 2002. This book by Curtis and Quick is a comprehensive and in-depth guide to all the knowledge one could ask for concerning the production marketing and distribution of e-books. It goes into gory detail about how one is to protect their rights and works and it guides one to a thorough understanding of what the many, many options are for e-publishing. This piece acknowledges that this is a new field and serves to really educate the reader on what, how, why and any other questions one poses or could pose about e-book publication. It is a comprehensive and useful guide, though thick in content, which will aid me in understanding this option of publication and distribution.
Hodes, Laura. "ADOBE's REVERSAL OF ITS POSITION ON THE "HACKER" THAT CRACKED ITS E-BOOKS: Proof That the Digital Millenium Copyright Act Needs to Change." FindLaw. 02 Aug. 01. University of Chicago Law School, The New Republic Online ( 23 Feb. 06 . In this article Laura outlines some of the laws concerning digital copyright and some of th problems with these laws and why they need reform. In this issue she points to Dmitry as well as to Adobe themselves as examples of ehy the status quo as it is does not work when it comes to digital copyright laws. This is a very useful piece in that it helps hone both sides of the case further by showing me the problems, the case and the objections. Yay for free lance writers who are trained lawyers! ^=^
John, Dessauer P. Book Publishing What it is, What it Does. New York, N. Y.: R. R. Bowker Co., 1977. This book, by Dessauer, is laid out in such a way as to outline is clear and concise detain the ins and outs of the business of book publishing. The intention of this book is to offer a broad perspective in detail and fortunately unfortunate obsessive-compulsive organization on what goes into the production, finance, editing, marketing and many of the other operations of press. This is a concise and information-laden book that will prove an invaluably useful book in my endeavors to streamline that process of getting a book to publish and sell in a summer. The value of this book to my research I cannot convey. It has become a stellar resource to me and it will further prove to guide me through the thick of this project. This book has been and will further prove to be the device which will lead this ground-breaking endeavour of mine to a sure success.
Pruitt, Scarlet. "Four Years on, Digital Copyright Law Revs Up." CNN.Com. 18 Feb. 02. CNN. 27 Feb. 06 . In this article Scarlet approached the debate of software intended to aid the copying and trafficking of locked e-books without those locks. She approaches this issue by addressing the case in the court systems of Dmitry Sklyarov who has posed quite a threat to the laws and issues surrounding the electronic copyright debate by not only pointing out the big loophole flaw in our system but by exemplifying it himself. This is useful for my research because it has helped me understand the finer points of the laws surrounding electronic copyright.
Templeton, Brad. "An EBook Publisher on Why the U.S. Attorney Should Free Dmitry Sklyarov." Dec. ClariNet. 23 Feb. 06 . Though he seems less than appealing as a source, I have found Brad's writings, the points he poses and the issues and facts he relates to be extremely useful and accurate. In this he wrote on Dmitry Sklyarov and how, even as an e-book publisher he finds Dmitry to be innocent of any ill. I find his point of view to be a refreshingly rational. His is one article which is lacking in swing and chock full of tib-bits, quotable quotes and a whole lotta zing.
"US V. ElcomSoft & Sklyarov." Electronic Frontier Foundation. 19 Feb. 02. 23 Feb. 06 . Another lacking an author but chock full of facts, this web-page offered a lot of useful information about the Sklyarov case. It also led me to it's parent site which offers a lot more on electronic publishing, laws and opportunities.


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