Storytime... (KISS)

...the twisted little way I have of writing...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Man With Illegal Weapon Shot By Cop On Probation:

Man With Illegal Weapon Shot By Cop On Probation:
The jist of the story is this:
Fact One, There was a guy standing around in a bank parking lot.
Fact Two: Another man, an under-cover cop on probation, approaches the first man.
Fact Three: The first man drops what he's holding, what looks to be a box of flowers and produces a sawed-off shotgun.
Fact four: Then he tries to hurriedly load it.
Fact Five: The second man pulls a shoulder-holstered pistol and shoots the first man.
Fact Six: Witnesses say it was three shots, the cop reported two.
Fact Seven: The Cop did not call local police; instead he pulled blue-code and called his buddies from his own force.
Fact Eight: The first man was reportedly taken to a hospital. It was an hour and fifteen minutes before the local police were called.
Fact Nine: This happened last November in a small town: Chucktown, NC.
Fact Ten: News stations were issued a press-release the next day labeling the incident an attempted Bank Robbery.

Now… Knowing this, what would you do? What would you believe? What could have really been happening?
Story one:
A man plans to rob a bank with a weapon he has not loaded and has one last cigarette before entering the premises and beginning the execution of his plans. An under-cover who has had a spotty record but is trying to redeem himself got an inside tip and rushes to the scene to attempt to apprehend the perpetrator before someone can get hurt. Without calling in the locals or his own force, in case he was wrong. At the scene he immediately recognizes the man with a box of flowers as the alleged perp and approaches him. The perp realizing he's been caught, thinks his only way out at this point is to pull out the gun, load it and shoot the man approaching him. At this point the cop pulls his weapon, frantically shoots the man loading and realizing his insufficient pretences for killing a man calls his own force and buddies to help turn this whole thing into a good cop bad guy report.

Story two:
A man is being stalked by an officer convinced of his wrongdoing. After being questioned as a suspect in another case by this officer, he got the impression the officer obviously has some sort of personal problem with him. He brings this to the attention of the supervising officer and does so again after noticing he is being followed and watched by that same officer. The supervising officer tells the officer to lay off and gives him a one-week probation (fact). But during this term the officer continues to follow his subject. Feeling violated and wronged and feeling as though the police are not doing enough to protect him from their own, the man quickly obtains a weapon with which he may protect himself should it ever, God forbidding, come down to it. But who wants to be found carrying a loaded sawed-off shotgun? Looks fishy no matter how you slice it, it's a sawed-off shotgun. Feeling the urgent need to carry the weapon, he compromises by carrying it not loaded and concealed in an un-alarming package. Hoping to be given the chance to explain himself should it come down to it. The officer, however, learns of the subject's obtainment of an illegal weapon and decides to confront his man. Our shot-gun toting subject begins the process of moving to the next town over in hops of getting some sort of protection from those local authorities and getting some distance between he and the cop stalking him. While the first man is pacing in the parking lot of the bank he's about to open an account in, the one in the next town; he has a cigarette to calm his nerves. After all he's carrying an illegal weapon for protection and about to enter a bank; it would look bad to someone who doesn't know. That's when he hears a voice and turns to see the man who has been stalking him running towards him (witnesses state the man was "running after him") Our subject feels threatened and panicked. The man who has been stalking him is right there and he feels an urgent need to defend himself. And in a panicked state I would too. It is at this point the subject dropped his package and hurriedly began loading the gun. And in moments received slugs to the chest.
A man, being stalked by an undercover cop was killed recently, and the news stations all played it off as an attempted robbery because God forbid a cop was a little off and did something very wrong.

I don't know which story you want to believe, but if you want to know what happened, look at the facts at the top of this story.

I wrote this in the way that I did because I honestly felt the only relevant and clear part of the reports and the paperwork were the verified facts. I speculated both a logical way in which these events may have transpired and I tried to make sense of how the official version could have made sense. I do not believe or understand either, but I'm sure you can tell which one makes more logical sense to me. I hope all you get out of this is a tendency to question, speculate and a desire to follow the facts. Cold, hard, facts.


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