Storytime... (KISS)

...the twisted little way I have of writing...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Some random stuff that's worth trying to elaborate upon

Quacks chatter endlessly about Laundromats... but never-the-less they always seem to grow tired of it when you bring up to them that time when they found a duck swimming in the washer. It really must be a sore subject.

Executives have nightmares about pink ribbons... I mean come on! They Must! Haven't you ever wondered why uncle Ralph never lit little Susie come into his office. His favourite was Johnny, Johnny and his little red-headed friend Tom.

My ants want to rid the world of bullfrogs... A gooey fate is what awaits them and so soon the tables shall turn... Meanwhile I am satisfied in watching my ants learn how to throw things and build complex goo-shooting weaponry.

High school teachers have more scars than lion tamers... Have you ever noticed how they hide themselves in very concealing clothing and lurk about. They never want to talk to you for fear you'll find out their secrets, their schemes, or worse yet; the deep-seeded emotional trauma which has left them wishing deeply, secretly, that someone would throw them to the lions instead of the teenagers. Of course the large cats - the ones that look at you like you are some juicier, hairless, slower form of mouse, bite-sized in all your glory - they are the ones you mustn’t fear. They an smell fear and like un-adjusted youths will pounce and snap at any moment.

Couch potatoes despise all bullfighters... I would... I mean if I were a potatoes left forgotten to rot in among the couch cushions. I mean think about it... all you ever wanted to do was get eaten so you may give some person the energy to run. And instead you are stuck in the cushiony hell while some full-breed idiot is off dancing with a living hunk of red meat. I'd be so jealous, I'd want to be the meat and potatoes I was meant to be, I'd be bitter too.

In some places the communists require that the thieves are rarely mistaken for politicians... Though, strangely enough, not in America.

Monkeys gaze wistfully at cyborgs... Wide-eyes and awe inspired yet sorrowful and with trembling tears in their eyes, monkyes realize that these things born of nothing, which do not live are seen more readily as human then themselves. How is it that a machine which can walk and talk can ever be seen as better, in any way, than a primate which can communicate and love?

Fish are twice as good as geophysics!... And so I shall stick to the bowl of joy and goodness in fin-inspired heaven, which waits on my mantle each day for me to feed it. It eats raw meat - like my geophysics class which eats my brains.

Jokers seldom annoy dance therapists... If I taught people to lightening up through dance, not only would I be considered a con-man and leech to suckers but I would love a sucker who would laugh as I robbed them blind. Like a politician who tells jokes...

Dogs like to tease bureaucrats... But only on the weekends and only when no-one is around to hear them... trust me, I caught it on tape - I'll sell it to you for five dollars!

Technicians hit on soap opera stars... but technically speaking they never date them.

And for one that stands on its own:

Country and western singers long to be sissies.


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