Needed the time to answer it thoroughly so I didn't get to type it up any sooner.
J2/ Growing up, you belonged to several communities, but the most obvious one was probably the community that you lived in...your neighborhood. As a young adult, you are moving away from that community and entering others. Help your classmates and me visualize the communities that you belong to as the neighborhood where “You” currently reside. In other words, if “You” were neighborhood, comprised of different houses with residents inside of them which represent the different communities that you consider yourself part of, what would it look like? From the list of communities that you wrote down for Journal 1, choose 4-6 communities and describe them as houses on “You” street. In order to help us truly understand the nature of these communities—their members, their shared beliefs, and the tensions/controversies within them—you may want to begin by freewriting about the following questions (adapted from Thomas Deans):
*What factors define the group (geography, age, interests, ethnicity, shared history, values, etc.)?
*How did this community come into being? What is its history? How does that history shape current practices and attitudes?
*How do you gain membership to this community? Can anyone join? Is it by invitation only?
*What are the rewards/costs of membership?
*Describe any characteristic language practices of this community. Do members use special terms/language? Do they assign new meaning to terms?
*What characteristics or “patterns of sameness” characterize community members (dress, rituals, behavior, values, etc.)?
*What tensions/controversies/areas of disagreement exist within the community? How are these areas negotiated or represented to outsiders?
*How might definitions of this community differ if they were told by insiders and outsiders respectively?
*How did you come to be a member of this community?
Community: Tom-Boy
What would it look like? A tree-house, but bigger – there are a lot of us and we welcome more competition. Indoor plumbing is so optional!
What is the nature of this household? We live next-door to the Hospital – Nuff said.
What is the nature of this household’s members? We all work hard and play even harder. No one can acuse us of being pansies, whimps or… worst of all… girls!
What is the nature of this household’s shared beliefs? There is a strong vein of independence and general toughness that runs through each of us – but as we all are women - Tough women! – We generally are compassionate towards the feelings of others. I mean… as we grind their noses in the dirt of defeat…
What are the tensions/controversies within this household? When is it appropriate to use those so-called manners things. Are skirts even allowed through the front door? Do I really have to say I’m sorry? I so beat ‘im fair an square!
Community: House of Carney
What would it look like? Ours is a warehouse. Visitors are the focus of our existence so the house is large and open and there are a ton of lights and pretty things that attract the masses. Small fee to enter, but it’s worth it for a whole night of fun.
What is the nature of this household? Our house-hold is a bit of a clean-freak’s nightmare and a coordinator’s wet-dream. The rules of the house are do your part and fend for yourself and you drn well better be pleasant about it.
What is the nature of this household’s members? We like to stay open-minded and we enjoy a good crowd. We love conversation and are all the time pursuing the all-mighty dollar. Not afraid to work hard or open our hearts we are good, honest con-men. And we are dependable.
What is the nature of this household’s shared beliefs? We all believe in having a good time working hard and owning up to whose turn it is to buy the reefer this time.
What are the tensions/controversies within this household? Ok… Who stole my stash? I was saving for three months for that? And You! Go take a shower for God’s sake!!!
Community: Curly Girl Household
What would it look like? Fun! Our house is a domesile of many doors, many windows and many facilitating ladders. No fence, big garage and thick walls for noise-control. Our house though busy in its appearance is always kept in order. We hate “frizz.”
What is the nature of this household? Based on working with everyone’s hectic lives and working things in through the cracks, it feels like our household runs non-stop. In reality it’s not hard to find occasional free-time and it’s not hard to enjoy life here.
What is the nature of this household’s members? Unfortunately there is a membership requirement; all members must have curly hair. What can I say? We all work together on managing our “assets.”
What is the nature of this household’s shared beliefs? We believe in having a good time, squelching the belief that we’re all aloof or disjoint and finding the perfect balance between wild and confined. And who left a rat in the drain? Seriously girls!
What are the tensions/controversies within this household? For one, my product is mine. Don’t take each other’s things – ok? Advice, yeay, we all give that freely, but don’t tell anyone what to do or you are soooo asking for it!
Community: Music Appretiation House
What would it look like? A big sound-room, recording-studio/radio broadcast station. Our back-yard has such a pretty tower!
What is the nature of this household? Loud. Everyone id doing their own thing, good thing there are a lot of sound-proof rooms. If only we could get the rap fans to enjoy listening in one of those too.
What is the nature of this household’s members? We like to party, we like to dance, and we like to sing. But most of all we are social creatures who just like to work together on making music together.
What is the nature of this household’s shared beliefs? We believe in freedom of expression and the fact that some people need to learn the meaning of phrase: “Perfect pitch means listening to you is painful!”
What are the tensions/controversies within this household? Ok, You. – Shut up so I can hear myself sing… Oprah? Why are they listening to Oprah at this hour of the night? Don’t they know it’s morning?... And who let that cat in here? I’m trying to practice!... Who stole my song?... Those are my lyrics! You so plagiarized that!